Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Paleo Chart

1 comment:

  1. http://paleodietlifestyle.com/

    ^Paleo Diet Recipes/More Info^


    ^This is 'The Paleo Diet: by Loren Cordain'
    THE best source for information on/about the Paleo lifestyle out there, and should be a basis for an introduction into the Paleo lifestyle.


    ^This link is for the Paleo Diet for Athletes by Loren Cordain and Joe Friel^
    ANY DEP/ACTIVE DUTY: If you are thinking about buying either one and can't click that purchase button because you are still unsure, I have a copy of both for everyone to look at. Speak to Petty Office Schatvet or Petty Officer King if you'd like to borrow/learn more
